I’m finally jumping into the blogging world. I’ve tried a few times, but I never seemed to stick with it. I think that was because I was always doing what everyone else was doing or what I thought I should be posting.
Over the last year of reading through the Bible, it has truly become my daily bread and the lamp for my path. My eyes have been opened to so much truth and that the Bible really is the Living Word. Growing up in the church and private school, I’ve always felt like I knew the Bible pretty well, but through my own reading and study, I have realized that as Christians we can interpret the Gospel how we want it to be, instead of what it really is. We do the same with God.
One of my favorite things has been studying verses that are very familiar and realizing that I may have been looking at them all wrong. Instead of using them to transform me by their truth I can tend to use them to serve me and my agenda.
Learning to “feed myself” through bible study has been so transformative and I wanted to create a little space where I can post on different topics and have archives to go back to! After journaling for years, I have written tons on different topics, but have no easy way to find it when dealing with specific things. I’ll post other personal stuff, because I’m a big fan of honesty and transparency, and its always good to know the person behind the words.
So, I hope that you will be encouraged in your relationship with Jesus or wherever you are at. If you are just searching and have alot of questions don’t be afraid to start a dialogue. I have questions too. :)
Woohoo!! Can’t wait to read more!!