SHE IS …. Britt Douglas
Hi :) I’m Brittany and I’m a graphic designer based in Ontario, Canada. I work with other small creative businesses on branding & websites, and am launching a print shop soon (!!!). I love the hunt for the perfect font, styling a lovely gallery wall, drinking tea in the biggest mug I can find, reading a good mystery novel, painting my nails, all things grey and all things design. Most days you will find me at my desk in my ‘soft pants’ ;) but when I do put on ‘real clothes’ you’ll usually find me in jeans & a striped tee (or a long sleeve version since winter is coming soon ;) It sometimes feels like I ‘fell’ into what I’m doing now totally by accident, but there’s a plan way bigger than me at work and I’m so glad I get to design everyday. I don’t know if I’ll be doing it forever, but I try to stay open & welcoming of whatever opportunities the Lord brings my way.
What are you most grateful for/has been the biggest blessing of singleness?
Being able to cultivate really wonderful friends. I have some of the best friends a girl could ask for and I wouldn’t trade them for anything. Being able to spend quality time with my family is also huge. I know I potentially won’t live as close as I do to my family now, so I try to cherish that aspect of the season I’m in now.
What have you done on your own that you are most proud of?
I think working for myself is pretty huge. I never really set out to do this, but I have absolutely been led to what I’m doing now. Every past experience I’ve had has benefited me hugely with this job and I’m always excited to see what’s next :)
How do you pursue contentment and joy?
I’m the type that can get ahead of myself really quickly, so I have to remind my self to be in the moment and not worry what’s going to happen tomorrow or next week or next year. God has it all in control and I just want to stay where he wants me. (Isn’t that easier said then done though? Any tips on that would always be appreciated!)
How many weddings have you celebrated with friends? What do you love about being a bridesmaid?
Last summer I was the maid of honour for my best friend & a bridesmaid for another dear friend, and they were both such wonderful experiences. Being able to support them and love on them as they prepared for this new season felt like such an honour. Throwing not-so-typical bridal showers (neither of them had any interest in even having a shower haha), and beautifying them for their big days (yup, I did the hair & makeup for two brides last year!) was so fun. There’s always such excitement and happiness in the air at weddings and being able to play a small part in that is the best feeling.
What is your favorite truth/bible verse to combat the lies of the world?
I don’t know if any of these qualify, but these are some of the verses I always come back to:
1 Peter 4:8
Jeremiah 29:11
Psalm 91:11
Joshua 1:9
Psalms 28:7
Matthew 7:7-8
Matthew 14:29-31 (I bookmarked this one the other day – sometimes my doubts creep up so easily and I have to remind myself who is in control of it all)
What is your favorite resource for singles?
For me, it would be some of the wonderful single women in my community. Whether it’s a friend or family member, having people in the same season as you is always a huge help.
Do you have a bucket list? If, so what’s one thing you’d like to do?
Launch my print shop! It’s been on my heart for quite some time and I’m both excited & terrified to see this project become real.
When do you fell the most confidant & beautiful?
When I can be truly myself. Finding people that take you as you are, quirks & all, is the best feeling.
What is something you like to splurge on for yourself?
Definitely beauty products. Haha! Me & Sephora really need to stop meeting like we do ;) I enjoy discovering new products or trying out a new eye look (currently on a cat liner binge haha) and it’s always fun when I can chat beauty with friends and help them find exactly what they’re looking for.
What encouragement do you have for those girls who are struggling and not yet thriving in their singleness?
I look on this season as one that has an end date – I don’t know what it is yet, but life is always changing ;) I want to be able to look back and say I did everything I could to enjoy this season and savour it’s quiet moments. I’m excited for the seasons that are to come, but that’s not where I am now. I sometimes find myself wishing away the present, so it’s still a struggle some days, but every day is full of new opportunities, many of which I wouldn’t be able to reach out and grab if I were in a different season already. I don’t know if that makes sense, but if you’re ever struggling, reach out! I’m sure any of the ladies Natalie has interviewed (or Natalie herself!) would love to chat and give you a virtual hug. You are not alone sweet friend!
Thanks for sharing Britt! You are a doll and you are right… I’d love to give anyone a chat and a virtual hug!
Website :
Instagram : @britthdouglas