• Complete Branding
    I have been loving the process of branding so far. Andra & Kelly have really helped me to discover what I really want and I am getting so excited to see (and to show y’all) the final designs!
    Not finished yet! Still working on it.
  • Capsule for November
    I have commitment issues, okay? Lol. Although a capsule wardrobe is supposed to be for 3 months (a season for most folks, but not us in Louisiana), I am going to start with a month and work my way up from there! 
    Yes! I am loving it! My closet is so uncluttered and I have a feeling laundry will be a breeze. 
  • Re-Evaluate Monthly Budget
    Our church recently did a sermon series on money and it was sooo good! So I am re-doing my monthly budget and adding these key points from one of the sermons (What? Me? Rich?) to the bottom, so that I see these principles every month!
    1. Don’t take credit for my money.  2. Keep my hope firmly grounded in the Lord & not in my money. 
    3. Enjoy the gifts that God has provided for me.  4. Use my money to make a difference in the world.  5. Live for what lasts.
    Check! Now the hard part… sticking to it. Lol.
  • Read Satisfied, Sacred Marriage, & Mingling of Souls
    Satisfied is about contentment and I will like to continue on with this subject as I re-think where my money goes! And Sacred Marriage & Mingling of Souls is about marriage – still researching for the next devo!
    Not a great month for reading…
  • Go through closet Donate clothes
    While I am building my capsule wardrobe, I figure this is the time!
    Done! 4 bags!
  • Research Advocare’s 24 Day Challenge & Beach Body’s 21 Day Fix
    Are you tired of hearing me talk about getting healthy?? Me too :) I have heard a ton about these 2 programs and would love to commit to jump starting some weight loss. I like the idea of 21 or 24 days, cause it doesn’t seem so overwhelming, but I think it would be long enough to start some good habits. I found Lindsay who does Advocare and Heather a friend of mine who uses the 21 Day Fix, so I am hoping to get enough info, to decide which is best for me.
    I purchased the containers for the 21 Day Fix, and am still trying to figure out about the supplements and shakes! 



  • Use Gratitude Journal everyday.
    It’s Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!! I want to make it a point to daily write out things that I am grateful for.
  • No Coffee Shop
    When re-evaluating my budget last month I noticed I spend way too much on coffee shop coffee . So this month… no $5 mochassippis :)
  • Lead Wholehearted Ladies Study
    In our facebook group, we started going through the Wholeheartedly Devotional for the 2nd time. It is always so cool to get to interact with you girls and see your hearts and where you are coming from! Love having these regular chats with you girls.
  • Christmas Planning & Shopping (after thanksgiving)
    Christmas one of my favorite times of year and I hate when I look back and see that it flew by, without as much intentionality and focus as I’d like. So I would love to plan out my shopping early (I usually do it the few days before Christmas!) and plan activities and rest that I know will point my heart in the direction of celebrating the birth of our Savior.
  • Christmas Shoebox.
    Our church is participating in Operation Christmas Child and I grabbed a few so Josh and I could fill them up and send them off. I actually just saw this video and now I am getting even more pumped to fill those babies up!
  • X-tend Barre
    Groupon had a major deal for a month at our local x-tend barre studio, so I jumped on it! Excited to start soon!
  • Write
    I have been putting off writing the new devotionals. I have been reading and researching, but I am nervous to start. I don’t feel adequate to do it, but I know that the Lord is just asking me to do it… do my part, be obedient, and He will fill in all my gaps! So this month I make time for writing :)

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