I am thrilled to introduce the newest regular feature to the blog – “Wholehearted Lady” ! If you have been following along for any amount of time, you know that my passion is to inspire single women to thrive and live wholeheartedly in their season of singleness. In my life (and let’s be honest, on my instagram feed), I felt like there was a void of positive, joyful, and purposeful single women out there! Fast forward a few months and the Lord has put so many encouraging women in my path and I ‘d like to introduce them and their stories to you. I hope that you gain hope and insight from their words, and a new virtual buddy, whose story you can follow and be inspired by!
I’m a 23 year old, Georgia girl who loves Jesus and Sweet Tea. I am the owner of Marque Modest Apparel. Marque is an online modest clothing store. Our prayer is that Jesus would be made known and modesty would be rebranded to be something worth valuing. I have been single for a little over 7 years now. These years were some of the most challenging yet most beautiful years of my life. I personally think that everyone should walk through a season where it is just them and Jesus. No dating, No casual dating, No emotional relationship with the opposite sex, just falling more in love with your Maker. Taking this time to fall more in love with Jesus has made the wait all the more worth it.
What are you most grateful for/has been the biggest blessing of singleness?
I am most grateful for my singleness because it has been a time of finding my worth in Jesus and becoming everything He wants me to be. He is shaping me, equipping me, molding me, and pruning me so I can become all that I can be for my future. It hasn’t always been easy but the longer I am single the easier it becomes. There is no better feeling than knowing I don’t have to have a boyfriend to have value. I don’t have to rush to be married to know my worth. Jesus is enough and until we recognize that we will never be ready for a relationship let alone marriage. I am grateful that Jesus is now enough in my life.
What have you done on your own that you are most proud of?
June 9, 2014 I launched Marque Modest Apparel. I would have never imagined I would own an online clothing store but God imagined it. He saw that through Him I would be capable and I am so honored to steward this gift.
How do you pursue contentment and joy?
Pursuing contentment and joy is a daily choice. Contentment in your singleness doesn’t happen over night. It takes spending time with Jesus in prayer and in His Word. It takes seeking out advice from the wise who are and aren’t married. Also surrounding yourself with friends who are also content in their singleness. Contentment and joy come when you are 100% satisfied with Jesus being enough.
What have you learned through singleness that you wish you could tell your younger self?
I wish I would have told my younger self that the wait is worth it. .
What has been the most exciting thing you have done throughout your single years?
Summer of 2012, I took a bold leap of faith and went on a journey to China by myself to take care of special needs orphans. My heart has always been for adoption but that trip confirmed Gods call on my life to adopt in the future.
What is your favorite truth/bible verse to combat the lies of the world?
Matthew 6:33 – “But Seek FIRST His Kingdom & His Righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
What is your favorite resource for singles?
Other than Scripture (which is most important) I have loved reading Lady In Waiting. It doesn’t tell you how to find a guy or get out of your single state but instead encourages you to become the person God wants you to be while your waiting.
Do you have a bucket list? If so, what’s one thing you’d like to do?
I don’t have an official bucket list but I would LOVE to scuba dive with Orcas one day. I know that’s a little crazy but I’m obsessed.
What is something you like to splurge on for yourself?
I love new clothes, but I would rather splurge on a Chick-fil-a Sweet Tea or maybe 2. <3
What encouragement do you have for those girls who are not yet thriving in their singleness?
The wait is worth it. You are worth it. Treasure yourself and Jesus enough to become all that God wants you to be for you but also for your future husband. He is worth the wait and if you wait Jesus is going to bless you. Stop searching, stop settling & just surrender the search to Jesus. He has already ordained those steps. Jesus Loves YOU.
Be sure to check out Allie’s shop for cute tops and jewelry (and celebrate her 1 year anniversary for Marque Modest Apparel)! And for more inspiration, follow her accounts on instagram!
Website : marquemodestapparel.com
Instagram : @missmarquemodest / @shopmarquemodest
love this little feature!! As alllll of my friends are becoming happily married I’ve been craving single girl friendships. :)
Kelly!! You have definitely come to the right place :) Are you on instagram?? I’d love to follow you and get to know you too !
You ladies are all so wonderful! Your love for Jesus and women as well as your encouraging posts are a pleasant sight for this college girl in my insta feed!! Many blessings!
Thank you, Danielle!!! I’m glad your here :) What’s your insty account so I can follow !?
I’m at @daniellemariepenn!
Great start to your new feature! :) Love the inspiring community you are creating, and I feel so happy and grateful to be a part of it! P.S. E-mail coming your way soon!
Haha, I totally left off the .wordpress on my site address. :) Guess I need more coffee this morning! ;)
Yay! I am loving reading everyone’s responses!!! Can’t wait to get yours!
How fun is this series and how gorgeous is she?! I love the questions you asked, and I’m definitely checking out her shop :)