Tools & Resources for
Stress-Free Wedding Planning

Wedding planning, to me, never felt too stressful, even though we did it in 3 months. It was certainly busy, but I wasn’t terribly anxious, and I think the reasons why was because of the tools I had and the systems I put into place.  Because we were on such a time crunch I knew…

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4 Reasons for a Short Engagement

“3 month engagement!? Are you pregnant???” I kid you not! This was an actual comment made when I told someone our wedding date! It took me a little off guard, but was made even more hilarious by the fact that Josh and I did not have sex until after we got married. You might be…

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Finally Met Lewis Wedding : Part #2

I cannot thank you guys enough for the sweet words from yesterdays post !!! It is so fun to be able to share with you and I am humbled by y’alls support and excitement! The Ceremony : Y’all… we had the most beautiful weather for our wedding! In Louisiana, you never know if April is…

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Finally Met Lewis Wedding : Part #1

Why am I sharing about a wedding on a blog started for single women, you might ask? Don’t worry, I have asked myself too. I thought about glossing over it and moving on to other topics I am dying to write about pertaining to singleness and dealing with breakups (don’t worry, they are coming). But…

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Metrejean Farewell

I remember my sister telling me about a gal who was getting married around 30 and she mentioned to Val that she was mourning the loss of her single hood. At the time I was 24 and single and the statement didn’t really make any sense to me. She was not a woman who was…

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Top 4 Blog Posts of 2015

1. 30 & Single : Why I’m glad I didn’t get married in my 20’s I am not surprised this was the most popular post! One of the number one searches that lead people to my blog is the question “Why am I still single?”(Which I plan to do a post on soon!) It shows…

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Lessons From My Exes

When you are 30 and not married its possible that you have dated quite a few people. You may have had some serious boyfriends, a fiancee, guys you “talked to”, or even just a million first dates. But hopefully when all is said and done, you at least learned something. :) Because I love you…

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The Road to Wholeheartedly

Its crazy to even think about where I was 6 months ago when I wrote that first blog post.  I had been in a place of deep fellowship with the Lord and had been spending tons of time in His Word. I just wanted a place to get all my thoughts out and maybe find…

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